Arthur’s Adventures At Wakehurst

As the saying goes, time goes by way too quickly and children grow up way too fast. It occurred to me the other day that I hadn’t taken proper photos of my son for about 6 months, so last weekend we took a trip to Wakehurst to visit the Room on the Broom walk and I decided to take my camera with me. We had a lot of fun and ended up getting some beautiful shots, so here are a few of my favourites below!

If you have been toying with the idea of getting some family photos done, I would absolutely encourage you to do so. As I said above, time is way too fleeting, and a big regret of mine is not taking more photos from when my son was little. Also being the photographer of the family I am always the one to take the photos, which of course means I have loads of my husband and my son together but very few of me! If your story sounds like mine, then I would definitely encourage you to consider booking a family shoot, as in the future those photos will mean more to you than you could ever know.

If you like my work, contact me here to get photos like these!


L & M Stanhill Court Wedding (Second Shooting)


Sneak Peek | Emily & Jamie’s Wedding at Horsham Register Office