How To Get The Perfect Champagne Spray Photos At Your Wedding

bride and groom laughing as they pop cork from champagne and spray it everywhere

How to make a good champagne spray?

So how do you pop champagne and spray? Well there’s actually a trick to it, and it actually involves popping the cork before you start!

Carefully pop the cork and immediately put your thumb over the bottle opening. THEN you shake it like crazy! After a few shakes move your thumb slightly so a tiny bit of the bottle opening is exposed and continue to shake. This creates a ‘garden hose' effect and causes the spray. I always recommend having a back up bottle in case the first one doesn’t go to plan!

Here are some more answers to questions I always get asked about champagne popping!

Does cold or warm champagne spray better?

Does Cold Or Warm Champagne Spray Better? Around 10 degrees Celsius is the most ideal temperature for the wine as this will result in a crispier tasting wine, as well as clearer bubbles. So make sure not to leave the bottle out in the sun! Keep in a cool, dry place until you need to use it.

bride and groom laughing as they pop cork from champagne and spray it everywhere

What camera settings for champagne spray?

A fast shutter speed is paramount here. At least 1/500th of a second should be used in order to freeze the action of the spray. To take it up a notch, make sure the couple are backlit (preferably with a low, warm sun behind them) and use some fill in flash in front to highlight the spray. You can use either a constant video light or speed light for this depending on whether there is video or not too.

groom downing a bottle of Prosecco while bride laughs at his side

Does Prosecco spray like champagne?

Prosecco does not usually pop just like champagne, but it certainly does the job just fine! The photos in this post were taken using Prosecco so I can say from experience that it works perfectly. It’s also less expensive too which is always a bonus of course!


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