A Gift for Freelancers & Small Businesses

This has become a time of great turmoil for most as Corona Virus has finally forced us into our homes. Not only is our health at risk but also our livelihoods. It is however a time where everyone is coming together to help one another. It is when we are at our worst that the true goodness in people shows. We all need to do our bit to help each other; even if you can only contribute a little, it all helps in the end.

Economically this will have a huge impact on freelancers and small businesses; freelancers have lost most of their upcoming work for this year and most small businesses lack the finances to stay afloat whilst closed. But these people make up the backbone of our economy and we must all do what we can to help them all see this through and get back to some form of normality. You can help my making sure you continue to use companies online facilities, order deliveries from them if possible; lots of shops have closed but their online stores are still going for example. Lots of gyms are now giving online workouts for their members to keep them going, so you can still sign up to your gym and keep fit! It works the other way around as well; if you are a freelancer or small business can you adapt and bring yourself into the online market in some way?

I want to do what I can, and though I don’t have much to contribute, I can contribute this:


From now up until June 30th, I am offering FREE advertising for any freelancer or small business that has been impacted by Corona Virus. This will include 10 images you can use for social media, websites or advertising to get you back on track. I can do whatever you need; head shots, product photography, photos of your premises, etc. Whatever it is you need I will try my best to do what I can for you.

Naturally we will all be having to stay inside for at least three weeks, but once the lockdown has been lifted then I can start doing this. If you would be interested, get in touch with me today and we can discuss what you need. To limit my own costs, this offer applies to any freelancer or small business within Sussex and Surrey and is valid until June 30th (let’s hope all this doesn’t go on for longer than that!)

You can email me at ajrphotographyofficial@gmail.com, or please feel free to give me a call or text on 07472001932. I honestly want nothing in return for this, I just want to help where I can!

Here are just a few examples of the types of photos I could create for your business!


Corona Virus & It's Impact on the Wedding Industry


Checklist for Finding Your Perfect Wedding Venue