Our Wedding Story: Getting Married During A Pandemic
Our wedding journey and my advice for anyone getting married soon. When we started our wedding planning journey, never in our wildest dreams did we ever think we would be facing the possibility of postponing or cancelling our wedding, especially due to a world-wide pandemic.
Lockdown Diaries: 70 Self Portraits In 28 Days
Whilst I couldn't take photos of anyone during lockdown, I decided to take at least one self portrait every day for a month. They start off very simple and get more advanced as the month goes on.
Wedding Trends for 2020/2021
Exploring current and upcoming wedding trends in 2020 and how the coronavirus pandemic is likely to influence trends as we come out the other side into 2021.
COVID-19 & Weddings- What Are Your Options?
In the midst of the corona virus pandemic, it’s a very stressful time for everyone at the moment, especially if you are coming close to your wedding day. Speaking as one of those people, not only do I understand what you’re going through, but I also understand which steps you need to take next.
Corona Virus & It's Impact on the Wedding Industry
My thoughts on the state of the wedding industry as the country goes into lockdown and how we are going to get through it.
A Gift for Freelancers & Small Businesses
From now up until June 30th, I am offering FREE advertising for any freelancer or small business that has been impacted by Corona Virus. This will include 10 images you can use for social media, websites or advertising to get you back on track.