Behind the Scenes, About Me Abigail Thompson Behind the Scenes, About Me Abigail Thompson

Day In The Life Of A Wedding Photographer On Maternity Leave | Being A Mum and Small Business Owner

One thing I've noticed is how so many new mums struggle to navigate motherhood whilst simultaneously trying to run their own businesses at the same time. A question that appears so often in so many photographer groups I'm in is 'how can I run a business when taking care of a baby is it's own full time job?' It's very hard work but it can be done! So I thought it may be of some benefit to film a 'day in the life' to show how I tackle both. I also chose a pretty full-on day as well to show that it can be done!

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About Me Abigail Thompson About Me Abigail Thompson

My Return to Wedding Photography

I have returned to the world of wedding photography and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Capturing a wedding may not be easy but it is one of the most rewarding things you can do as a photographer. There are many reasons why weddings call to me, but first a little back story about me.

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